In Flow: Thriving in Sync with your Cycle
Online Course
Join Jamie as she facilitates an 8 week online immersion into the long forgotten ancient womb ways of the past, the health secrets of hormone decoding, the feminine spirituality of the menstrual cycle, and much much more. This is your invitation to boldly replace the fear and shame of being a cyclical being with knowledge and empowerment.
You’ll become a part of an incredible sisterhood of women from around the world on this online journey, and together you’ll revolutionize your relationship to your cycle, befriending your body, decode the messages of your hormones, step fully into your infinite creative potential, turn up the volume of your wise inner voice, shine as brightly as the full moon, and learn tools to avoid burnout in the process. This is the class that we wish was taught to every menstruating human being on the planet! Class begins every new moon. Sign up now to reserve your space.